The Truth About Omega-6: The Crucial Difference Between Processed and Unprocessed


There is much confusion and misunderstanding about omega-6 fatty acids. We often hear that we are consuming ‘too much omega-6,’ leading to inflammation and other health problems. However, this statement is overly simplistic and misses a crucial distinction: the difference between processed and unprocessed omega-6 fatty acids.

The Importance of Omega-6 Fats
First and foremost, omega-6 fatty acids are essential for our body. They are prominently present in our skin, blood vessels, and cellular membranes. Without sufficient unprocessed omega-6, these structures cannot function properly.

The Issue with Processed Omega-6 Fats
The problem lies with processed forms of omega-6. These are often found in (ultra-) processed foods and commercial vegetable oils, such as cooking oil, soybean oil, and corn oil. These fats undergo processes that alter their structure and health effects, potentially contributing to health problems, including many of today’s serious diseases and inflammation.

The Difference with Unprocessed Omega-6
In contrast to their processed counterparts, unprocessed omega-6 fatty acids are crucial for our health. They are found in organic nuts, seeds, and some minimally processed vegetable oils. These natural forms of omega-6 are essential for our skin, cardiovascular health, diabetes management, cancer prevention, and overall well-being.

The Problem with the Current Discussion
Much of the current discussion about omega-6 fails to make the distinction between processed and unprocessed. This leads to the incorrect assumption that all omega-6 fatty acids are harmful, while in reality, the type and source of these fats are crucial.

A healthy diet requires a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, with special attention to the sources of these fats. It is essential to choose natural, unprocessed sources of omega-6 and limit the intake of highly processed oils and foods. By understanding and embracing this distinction, we can improve our overall health and appreciate the true role of omega-6 fatty acids in our diet.

For more in-depth information on this topic, visit or read my book “Preventing and Treating Chronic Conditions in 5 Crucial Steps.” Additionally, UltraPrevent Essential Oils (PUFAs) can be a valuable addition to your diet to address deficiencies in unprocessed omega-3, 6, and 9.
